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Coronavirus: This virus will not explode around you, do these 8 important things

Coronavirus: This virus will not explode around you, do these 8 important things
How to prevent from coronavirus

 Corona virus Covid-19 continues to wreak havoc worldwide.  Millions of people are infected with it and thousands of people have died.  Corona virus cases continue to be reported in India too.  Since its treatment or vaccine has not yet been discovered, it can be avoided by taking only precisions.  So keep these important things in mind.

 At this time the weather is changing rapidly and it is common to have cold-cold and common flu in this changing weather.  But now this corona virus has created an atmosphere of fear in the minds of all the people.  Everyone wants to adopt measures to avoid this virus, but the atmosphere of fear is so much that people are coming in panic due to light cough or cold.  Since the symptoms of the corona virus are similar to those of the common cold, cold, runny nose, cough, fever, etc. are also making it difficult for people to recognize the disease.  In such a situation, it is very important to be aware instead of panic and panic.  Here we are telling you about the necessary work to be done to prevent the virus ...
 Wash your hands because this will save you

 Hand washing is the easiest way to eradicate the corona virus.  The World Health Organization WHO and all the big scientists are saying the same thing that to cleanse the corona virus, clean your hands thoroughly and take full care of basic hygiene.  Wash hands thoroughly with soap-water as often as possible throughout the day.  If it is not possible to wash hands with water, use an alcohol based hand sanitizer that contains about 70 percent alcohol.
 Avoid putting hands in eyes, nose and mouth

 The easiest way to avoid corona virus infection is to avoid putting hands in your nose, eyes and mouth again and again.  In fact, if you have touched an infected place and after that you will touch your face, then you can unknowingly enter the virus itself in the body.  Therefore, doctors recommend that you keep your face safe.  Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with dirty hands.

 Corona virus symptoms and methods of prevention
 Do not hold the lift button and door handle

 This method is also an extremely easy way to avoid the corona virus.  Lift buttons, public place doors and knob and handles of toilet doors are the most infected.  At a time when there is a possibility of spreading corona virus in the country, you need to be cautious in catching them.  Do you know that corona virus survives most days in any steel handle or lift button?  So try and press the lift button with the elbow.  If you have even touched them, wash your hands with soapy water as soon as possible or clean the hands with a hand sanitizer.
 Be careful while traveling in public transport

 Public transport is especially traveling in metro and buses, so try to cover your face with a mask.  A normal surgical mask cannot protect you from viruses, so use an N95 or N99 mask.  If you do not have a mask, avoid standing around someone with a cold-cough.
 Avoid shaking hands with others

 Most viruses are spread by hand.  If your hands are dirty and you join your hand with another person, then the viruses present in your dirty hands reach the other person's hands.  So at this time when the fear of corona virus is spreading across the country, it is better that you greet them from a distance rather than shake hands with anyone.  By doing this, you will also be protected from viruses.


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